Saturday, January 30, 2010

What my life is going on....

How should i update my blog i was wondering, but i think i should just start with the end of my involvement in MEALCON ( Malaysia Entrepreneurship and Leadership Convention), a 2 days events, everything is going nice and smooth, though not flawless but is not obvious and left a quite good experience to all those participants. We have prepared and rehearsal good enough, a big clap to all ajk of course. But yesterday something interesting had rose.

Koperasi, i think it is quite familiar to many people as this term is not new. It is an organisation for profit and benefit of student purpose,yet it is under my hostel. Yesterday, there is a meeting among jpm and koperasi which jpm felt threaten on the establishment of the koperasi. Actually quite silly and childish, the so called keep on want every residents of my hostel be united, but somehow they want to dominate and cannot be optimistic on this affair,since both jpm and koperasi are both under different entity. Koperasi more to business entity, but they have requested to restricted the member recruitment which only for our hostel but residents of my hostel are not obligate in joining, activities that jpm propose, koperasi cannot do, but other resident plus clubs are doing the same activity. speechless agaist these kind of people, which unable to stand against compete. All i can say is FUNNY...

Anyhow, Chinese New Year is coming soon, hope to go back so much...=)

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I am still a typical student like others, but I like to learn new thing and meet new people.