Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Updates for the pieces of my life

I back to UUM (some random Uni located at Kedah Malaysia) before the New Year, and was quite surprise that they said used to be no holiday during New Year as I always though it is. I came back earlier for the add drop week since I require to add International Business which needs Principle of management as the prerequisite which I taking this sem, so basically I am taking both in this sem, hope i can cope with it, lolz.... So I should greet my thanks to those add drop staff.

During New Year, what I did is staying inside my room countdown with my friends as most of the students had went to P.P for countdown, yea, it sux.... What is more unacceptable thing is There Is No Improvement for the water supplies. I though the nightmare of insufficient water ends last year, but i guess i am wrong with it. This situation makes me remember Pn Cheah, my MUET lecturer once gave us as essay entitled : first class facilities and third class mentality, for what most of us experiencing, I guess that phrase should change to third class facilities. Yea, incontrovertibly i am complaining. It is not that I no appreciating just what i think is, it should be improved.

During holiday went to my friends' stall on Subang Parade,which is currently selling customize gift... http://cysgift.blogspot.com/. It is nice....hehe

My life at Uni goes on, taking 6 subjects this sem. Taking roll in MEALCON, a convention for entrepreneurship leadership which will be officiate by Dato' Mukriz Mahathir, with 6 outstanding speakers such like CEO of Jcorp (KFC & Pizza Hut) and so on. This event will be on 29th and 30th of January. Opps....promotion again...

I had been informed on mid term, which will be 5th, 22th and 23th, indicating I CANNOT SKIP CLASS FOR CNY. OMG.......................

I am sorry to heard one of my friend grandfather has passed away,but do be strong with it. Pray for him if u dun mind...and that ends my blog post for this time.

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I am still a typical student like others, but I like to learn new thing and meet new people.