Monday, October 26, 2009

A great experience

yesterday, most of the student will rather stay inside room or be at he library for revision since exam is just around the corner. But, yesterday afternoon, I went to alor star with UUM SIFERs. On the planned time, the rain pour down heavily, but it seemed not able to stop the will of us from the excursion. I followed KCs car, and we head onwards to the nearest petrol station which located in changloon. Here comes the funny part, we been stopping at the exit junction waiting for others, since we got no idea where the place is, but we somehow blocking other cars, when we used double signal, those people seemed like never notice and keep on waiting right behind of us.

Our first stop is "twins" house. So far I still not yet mention anything about the experience, be patience. Here comes the first event of us, we celebrate Dawsons birthday. We celebrated in a hawker stall. It has been a long time back then since my last time having a hawker meal, since I was in UUM for quite some time. We taken pictures and head on to the next planned event of us- visit the march of the ninth emperior.

The march is fascinating, the place is so crowed, starts with people holding flag, some of them are even just a kid, but the flag is no ordinary flag, but a very long flag, imagine to hold it with teeth, legs and so on. Meanwhile, the wind also blew from opposite way in a fiercely form. The whole streets with many different kind of flag, then following up with some decorated car at the back. Some of it are well decorated. At first we just taking the photo of those cars, but later on, we SIFE joined in and taking pictures together. At the back of the marching group, there is some "GOD" which merge with the mind of those people, it is really interesting and it is my first time experience seeing these. If not mistaken, the last time i went to a ninth emperior celebration at KL, but that time definitely at a younger age than 7 years old, and in my memory, there is no such marching like this, so overall, it is a great experience to me.
*A big clap to SIFE UUM* XP

*picts in process*

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I am still a typical student like others, but I like to learn new thing and meet new people.