Sunday, October 18, 2009

exam week

yeap, just as what written on the title, exam is just around the corner. Exam going to start end of this month, and my first subject fall on BKAL, which is business accounting. The therein lies from the final exam is most of the lecture classes have stopped. Indirectly, it actually encouraging student to declare own holiday in advance before the exam comes. My roommate is one of the example. All activities are slowing down, no excitement like previously. But luckily SIFE still on going some projects, which are MEALCON and Youthciti. I shall further introduce about it in the coming future. Moreover, those students that stayed in the campus instead of going back home also rarely be seen, due that 2 more days from now there will be another mid term for management, so probably that now none of them can sit down and relax. haha
This feeling is weird , weird and weird. My revision actually goes on my intention, just that lack of some excitement that really can life up the study atmosphere. What i really hope for right now is the day the EXAM is OVER.

Good Luck to all my friends on this coming final...^^

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I am still a typical student like others, but I like to learn new thing and meet new people.