Friday, October 29, 2010


Yeah....finally i have escape myself from that jungle...haha
Actually, that is nothing so bad about that jungle, since I've spent almost 1 and a half years there and going to be there for another 1 and a half years, just that food there mostly lack of nutrient, because too much of blah blah blah....*there is a lot to discuss about*

I will just leave the jungle part and proceed to my home sweet home...hehe
Back to KL, never been to anywhere, but bought a HWM magazine, and found out that I left a decade behinds with all those updates.
Hell yea...those gadget and devices evolution just superb all I can say....all these I think I shouldn't blame the "excellent" wifi the jungle has, because that is nothing else that i can say......sigh...

Talk about KL, this time I am back to study since it is study week, so hope that i am able to concentrate and cover all the chapters which are coming out in the final...wish me luck man...


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I am still a typical student like others, but I like to learn new thing and meet new people.