Friday, October 29, 2010


Yeah....finally i have escape myself from that jungle...haha
Actually, that is nothing so bad about that jungle, since I've spent almost 1 and a half years there and going to be there for another 1 and a half years, just that food there mostly lack of nutrient, because too much of blah blah blah....*there is a lot to discuss about*

I will just leave the jungle part and proceed to my home sweet home...hehe
Back to KL, never been to anywhere, but bought a HWM magazine, and found out that I left a decade behinds with all those updates.
Hell yea...those gadget and devices evolution just superb all I can say....all these I think I shouldn't blame the "excellent" wifi the jungle has, because that is nothing else that i can say......sigh...

Talk about KL, this time I am back to study since it is study week, so hope that i am able to concentrate and cover all the chapters which are coming out in the final...wish me luck man...


Friday, October 22, 2010

My days......

These days seemed like raining every single day, perhaps is because of the raining season again. Some people might believe that this is because of "jiu huang yeah" that brings the rain, who knows, because this is a belief or we see it as culture of a kind. Today i am not here to write about this, just try to note down the details of my life. Actually these day i am reading a book named "Best Wishes", I think that book is meaningful, encouraging kind of book series. Hope that i will be able to share it as soon as possible.

Today, is the birthday of my friend Siow Wey, I would like to make this special slot to greet her "Happy Birthday. may all your wishes come true"

Yea, so far i have not talk(write) anything related to my title "time vs. improvement", then how is that going to related to my life then? It's is all happen because of a person, my lecturer. He spent quite some time at UK, then came back and be my lecturer, but seemingly that he never adapt to the culture of western Europe, is short, he never improve at all. why am i said so? This is because he never try to find a way of himself to work, he bound to the rules and regulation which created by mankind century ago. Yes, perhaps time spent on seeking knowledge is long enough but problem on never learn and never even apply. It is like first class student that merely "eat" the whole book, but when come to practical, how many will actually outstanding from the challenges faced. This is no doubt an interesting question.
So, I think he should go read the book i am currently reading, as not to waste time in improvement ourselves......

It's the battery level has urged me to pen down right here.....^^

*actually i wish i could post this up on that day, but...thx to great wifi line, i cannot even post a single simple blog...sigh....

Friday, October 8, 2010

Add drop huh? 1st choice U huh?

well...guess that it is the time, is an emergency day that most sem 3 students gathered in the early morning to add their perferable subjects.....but, it seemed to me that most of the students gathered in the early morning, facebooking, such hardwork really impressive, study in the early
Ok....make it be formal...frankly speaking, students of sem 3 not gathered to add/drop, but instead, flaming their so called first choice. But seriously, compared to other countries, there will not be something like this happening, but how come? it is happening around us, it is happening right infront of me.. i really doubt that there will be huge lap in the coming future.....


About Me

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I am still a typical student like others, but I like to learn new thing and meet new people.