Tuesday, August 24, 2010

This is it?

I am afraid that my blog should be pop up with mushroom here and there. I think is time to start all over again to rearrange this blog, everything. I know I am not consistent blogger but I do have a lot to write.
But I think I shall refresh my mind in the 1st place. What i want to write??
Dream? Or Facts? Perhaps Reality?

The dream of mine had long forgotten. For the passes few months, I do have quite many experiences. During these few months I keep on thinking and struggling internally on what to be written (writing is one of the best ways to express). So in the end, I just remembered that I used to read and write a lot since I was young (believe it or not), but somehow I had decided to expose myself to some reality world rather than just facing book and become the nerd society. I am sure that I am going to miss the fun of my life if I did join.

Come back to the question of my life, which the answer vary from time to time – “What is the purpose of us living”, “Why we were doing this and that”, these kind of question always lead to different answer for me, then what is yours?

There are few questions in my head these few months:
Who am i? (or more percise is that what are we {me myself} trying to achieve)

And few subjective question, so I am wondering is there a possibility saying that there will be an accurate answer for all these questions.

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I am still a typical student like others, but I like to learn new thing and meet new people.