Friday, June 26, 2009

leaving kl, going kedah UUM

I am going to some random uni located at Kedah for my "international business". The registration is on 28th of June, which referring to this coming Sunday,but I will be going there earlier with my uncle to settle down the things. Before I depart, of course i want to or have to watch "transformer", since Kedah doesn't has any cinema, is it? lol...

yea....I need to greet my congratulation to my best friend,JP who recently changed his single status to
i am having some great memory before i leave, thx to Jin Pei,Wei Lin,and Jian Yang for the dinner.

Supposingly there is another 1,YS but he need to be with his lovely gf...but nvm we all could understand that

other than that, MH and WK also, cause both of them keep helping/accompany me during the time i need to buy...
hmm...i think there is another person who i need to thanks him for accompany me playing "dota" for so long--Sam...haha

take care to all of u...^^

some intro perhaps?

blogging never to be an easy work for those who are inconsistent with it, and yea, i am one of it.
since it is just an introduction, i will just briefly tell u something that comes up in my mind.

This blog i name it as rage spirit just because it sound okay to me, got no other meaning, but for the domain address, i did think. wired spirit? because life is just like something unable to be predicted for the next coming events or things that going to happen, and mostly everything that we did might be some other terms or condition applied to it, so i guess even if u are free to make your decision, but u will find that "life is not that free". so we and somehow bound to some limit, and that's why we are "wired" even we apparently meet the spirit or feeling to do something.

so i guess that's all for it on the intro....oh ya,do correct or critic on my language/spelling or grammar if there is any...tq


About Me

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I am still a typical student like others, but I like to learn new thing and meet new people.