Sunday, September 12, 2010

True holiday huh?

Holiday started a week ago, and during that time, i told myself that i shall forget about all those assignments, homework, and examinations. But I think I have failed to do so. Looking at the time, it's 7am in the morning, and I am not able to sleep back, I decided to write something here.
During 5th of Sept, I been to P.Langkawi, it's my first time travel to there, so no doubt it's a great experience, and met quite a number of friends which all friends to my friend, sally, and now, to me. after 3 days of excitement, I never slow down the pace, I straight away go to Melacca, and stayed at my friend house. Although it's rush, yet it is that excited and relax. I got a new experience and opinion on village (新村), I've think a lot. I seen the trust towards each other in the village, of course, not everyone, but most of them have the faith and trust to the others, this is something sentimental which I will rarely or never see in the city. I have myself located in the middle of juggle (university) for several months, then there is still something lacking behind which i could barely tell in words what it is.
so far that is all for my holiday........


About Me

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I am still a typical student like others, but I like to learn new thing and meet new people.