Monday, September 7, 2009


Back to the last post, it is already almost 2 week time. Within these days, there are many things happened. I've busy with my assignment and mid term again as usual university life. One of my friend that staying opposite my room, come across my room as he always did to talk and study together with me, since during that periond of time my roommate was back to his home and unfortunately he got food poisoning and self-declared a week of holiday. My friend that came to my room, he did something that make me really pissed and causes me shouted on him. I also don't wish to be like that, but just out of control on that moment. Curious on what he did? Well, he unplug that wire of my laptop and causes instant shut up for twice, which I already warn him not to simply touch the wire. What can i say is just.....haiz.....


About Me

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I am still a typical student like others, but I like to learn new thing and meet new people.